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Dacave Store Singapore: About

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Who is DA'CAVE?

1 Queensway
Queensway shopping centre
Singapore 149053

Tel: +65-6471-3751

Opening Times

Monday 2.00pm - 9.00pm
Tuesday - Sunday 1.00pm - 9.00pm
We are open everyday of the year!

The Da'cave Store is an independently owned street wear and urban clothing store based in Singapore(Asia), we are located in the Central part of Singapore in Queensway shopping Centre.

Da'cave Store was established in 1998 and we just celebrated our 10th year Anniversary last year. We developed this web blog and launched it in 2008 to keep our customers updated with the latest store news.

We aim to constantly develop our brand lists with the most interesting and coolest designs out there. Most of our labels have a great deal of heritage and history behind them or very creative people at the helm. We always tend to go for labels that are slightly off centre from the usual street wear names that have reached saturation, with strong emphasis on quality rather then quantity, we have gained a reputable name for our quality products.